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Appendix : Inputs

This appendix details all the input keys, their parametrization, meaning and default values. Check Default to get an example of input.txt parametrization file with default values.


Only the input options of Tolosa-sw are presented here. See Tolosa-lib / Inputs to get the input options of Tolosa-lib and their default values.

Inputs parametrization


Input option Description Option Type Default Value Values
gamma LM Scheme First Stability Constant double 0.5
alpha LM Scheme Second Stability Constant double 0.5
hcut Cut-off of water depth to switch to dissipate scheme double 0.1
nb_level integer 3
tbf_forcing Tidal Body Forcing activation integer 0 > 0 to activate
wind_forcing Wind Stress Forcing activation integer 0 > 0 to activate
patm_forcing Atmospheric Pressure Forcing integer 0 > 0 to activate
julian_cnes_date Julian CNES Date (init. referential time) double 24472.
bathy_in Bathymetry input format integer 0 0 : No bathymetry
1 : Bathymetry loaded from m_user_data.f90 with function of (x,y)
2 : Bathymetry loaded from external file regional.depth-ele.a in bin directory
g Gravity constant double 9.81
heps Cut-off of water depth for dry cells double 1.d-13
restart integer 0 0 : restart from rest_old_XXX
other : restart from m_user_data.f90
friction_model Friction model (FM) integer 0 1 : FM activated with oceanic model
2 : FM activated with oceanic model / quadratic computed from z0
3 : FM activated with Manning-Strickler Model
friction_scheme Friction Scheme integer 0 1:
Implicit Scheme for a logarithmic velocity profile (if FM = 1 or FM = 2)
Implicit Scheme for the Manning-Strickler law (if FM = 3)

Semi-Implicit Scheme for a logarithmic velocity profile (if FM = 1 or FM = 2)
Implicit Scheme for the Manning-Strickler law (if FM = 3)
cb Constant quadratic friction double 2.5d-3
cb_min Minimal quadratic friction double 1.d-4
cb_max Maximal quadratic friction double 1.d-2
cl Constant linear friction double 0.
cl_min Minimal linear friction double 0.
cl_max Maximal linear friction double 1.d-3
z0 To compute quadratic friction from formula (if file bottom_fric_z0 not found) double 1.d-3
n Uniform Manning double 0.05
karman Karman constant double 0.41
coriolis Coriolis parameter integer 0 1: Calculate Coriolis force from external latitude coordinates (regional.grid file)
2: Calculate Coriolis force from beta-plane approximation
f0 Constant for the Coriolis Force double 9.0541d-05
beta Constant for the Coriolis Force double 1.7876d-11
theta Earth Latitude double 38.5
omega Earth Angular Velocity double 7.2722052166d-05
earth_r Earth Radius double 6367442.76
w_post Data Output File option integer 0
dtb Time Step for binary outputs double -1.
mpi_choice MPI communications choice integer 3 0: Using library overrided MPI Send/Recv, no need to initialize
1: Using locally implemented Send/Recv, allocate the MPI request array
2: Using MPI persistant Send/Recv (synchronous mode), initialize communications
>2: Using MPI persistant Send/Recv (standard mode), initialize communications

On the boundary conditions ...

Tolosa-lib enabled one to name their boundary conditions as they wanted. Here, a specific syntax is used to help the boundary conditions definition along. For each boundary condition, their specifications are :

  • Rigid Wall : wall
  • Neumann : neumann
  • Tide : The tide.list file is needed
    • tide: consider all tidal constituents
    • tide#N: consider only the N first tidal constituents
  • Discharge constraint :
    • q: Read a tabulated file bc_q.txt with discharge values
    • q#X: Fix a constant discharge at X (m^3 . s^-1)
    • q#user: Define discharge at the boundary from a function in m_user_data.f90
  • Height constraint :
    • h: Read a tabulated file bc_h.txt with height values
    • h#X: Fix a constant height at X (m)
    • h#user: Define height at the boundary from a function in m_user_data.f90
  • Sea surface height (ssh) constraint :
    • ssh: Read a tabulated file bc_ssh.txt with ssh values
    • ssh#X: Fix a constant ssh at X (m)
    • ssh#user: Define ssh at the boundary from a function in m_user_data.f90

For example, if one chooses to create a box mesh from the input.txt file, the enabled key values are the following :

Input option Description Option Type Default Value Values
bc_N Boundary Condition North character wall wall
tide, tide#X
q, q#X, q#user
ssh, ssh#X, ssh#user
h, h#X, h#user
bc_S Boundary Condition South character wall wall
tide, tide#X
q, q#X, q#user
ssh, ssh#X, ssh#user
h, h#X, h#user
bc_W Boundary Condition West character wall wall
tide, tide#X
q, q#X, q#user
ssh, ssh#X, ssh#user
h, h#X, h#user
bc_E Boundary Condition East character wall wall
tide, tide#X
q, q#X, q#user
ssh, ssh#X, ssh#user
h, h#X, h#user

If one defines their mesh in a gmsh mesh file, one has to make sure the physical groups respect this syntax.

Default parametrization file


More informations on the mesh parameters, the simulation time parametrization are given in Tolosa-lib.

Domain defined by a mesh file and time format is Julian CNES

!  Mesh parameters
    mesh_name           =   your_mesh.msh
    part_strat          =   seq
!  Schemes parameters
    temp_scheme         =   first              ! Temporal Scheme
    spatial_scheme      =   euler              ! Spatial Scheme
    spatial_order       =   1                  ! Spatial Scheme Order
    adapt_dt            =   1                  ! Activate Adaptive Time Step
    cfl                 =   0.5                ! CFL number in case of Adaptative Time Step
    gamma               =   0.5                ! Low Mach Stability Coefficient
    alpha               =   0.5                ! Low Mach Stability Coefficient
    hcut                =   0.1                ! Cut-off of water depth to switch to dissipate scheme
    nb_level            =   3
!  Forcings
    tbf_forcing         =   0                  ! Tidal Body Force ( 0 if not )
    wind_forcing        =   0                  ! Wind forcing ( 0 if not )
    patm_forcing        =   0                  ! Atmospheric pressure ( 0 if not )
    inv_baro            =   0                  ! Inverse barometer effect
!  Simulation parameters
    ! Time - Date
    time_format         =   julian_cnes ! Time format choice (classic, julian, julian_cnes)
    start_date          =   22548       ! Initial date in time format
    simu_time           =   5 days      ! Formatted Simulation Time (seconds, minutes, hours, days)
    ! Bathymetry & others
    bathy_in            =   0
    g                   =   9.81
    heps                =   1.d-13
    ! Initial state
    restart             =   0
    ! Friction
    friction_model      =   0
    friction_scheme     =   0
    cb                  =   2.5d-3
    cb_min              =   1.d-4
    cb_max              =   1.d-2
    cl                  =   0.
    cl_min              =   0.
    cl_max              =   1.d-3
    z0                  =   1.d-3
    n                   =   0.05
    karman              =   0.41
    ! Coriolis Force
    coriolis            =   2
    f0                  =   9.0541d-05
    beta                =   1.7876d-11
    theta               =   38.5
    omega               =   7.2722052166d-05
    earth_r             =   6367442.76
    ! Output
    dtw                 =   1.d15      ! Result File    Time Step
    dtp                 =   1.d15 !   ! Post-Treatment Time Step
    dtb                 =   -1.
    w_tecplot           =   0
    w_vtk               =   0
    w_bin               =   0
    w_gnuplot           =   0
    w_python            =   0
    w_exact             =   0
    w_norm              =   0
    w_post              =   0
    verbose             =   1            ! Verbosity Level
    ! MPI
    mpi_choice          =   3

Domain defined by a box in input.txt and time format is classic


One has to change the boundary conditions here.

!  Mesh parameters
    mesh_type           =   basic
    part_strat          =   seq
    nx                  =   101
    ny                  =   101
    lx                  =   1.
    ly                  =   1.
    bc_N                =   wall
    bc_S                =   wall
    bc_W                =   wall
    bc_E                =   wall
!  Schemes parameters
    temp_scheme         =   first              ! Temporal Scheme
    spatial_scheme      =   euler              ! Spatial Scheme
    spatial_order       =   1                  ! Spatial Scheme Order
    adapt_dt            =   1                  ! Activate Adaptive Time Step
    cfl                 =   0.5                ! CFL number in case of Adaptative Time Step
    gamma               =   0.5                ! Low Mach Stability Coefficient
    alpha               =   0.5                ! Low Mach Stability Coefficient
    hcut                =   0.1                ! Cut-off of water depth to switch to dissipate scheme
    nb_level            =   3
!  Forcings
    tbf_forcing         =   0                  ! Tidal Body Force ( 0 if not )
    wind_forcing        =   0                  ! Wind forcing ( 0 if not )
    patm_forcing        =   0                  ! Atmospheric pressure ( 0 if not )
    inv_baro            =   0                  ! Inverse barometer effect
!  Simulation parameters
    ! Time - Date
    time_format         =   classic   ! Time format choice (classic, julian, julian_cnes)
    ts                  =   86400.d0  ! Simulation Time (in seconds)
    ! Bathymetry & others
    bathy_in            =   0
    g                   =   9.81
    heps                =   1.d-13
    ! Initial state
    restart             =   0
    ! Friction
    friction_model      =   0
    friction_scheme     =   0
    cb                  =   2.5d-3
    cb_min              =   1.d-4
    cb_max              =   1.d-2
    cl                  =   0.
    cl_min              =   0.
    cl_max              =   1.d-3
    z0                  =   1.d-3
    n                   =   0.05
    karman              =   0.41
    ! Coriolis Force
    coriolis            =   2
    f0                  =   9.0541d-05
    beta                =   1.7876d-11
    theta               =   38.5
    omega               =   7.2722052166d-05
    earth_r             =   6367442.76
    ! Output
    dtw                 =   1.d15      ! Result File    Time Step
    dtp                 =   1.d15 !   ! Post-Treatment Time Step
    dtb                 =   -1.
    w_tecplot           =   0
    w_vtk               =   0
    w_bin               =   0
    w_gnuplot           =   0
    w_python            =   0
    w_exact             =   0
    w_norm              =   0
    w_post              =   0
    verbose             =   1            ! Verbosity Level
    ! MPI
    mpi_choice          =   3
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