Vectors and tensors
Tolosa-lib contains different structures for vectors and tensors in order to enhance numerical implementation and lisibility. Therefore, it enables one to implement numerical schemes easily.
Two structures for 2D and 3D vectors are implemented. The implementation of various operations is enhanced. One can easily add and substract vectors, multiply and divide vectors by a scalar, compute the euclidean norm and its square, and the product and cross products of two vectors.
The structure of a 2D vector contains two components x
and y
and several vector procedures. This structure overloads the assignment operator and other operators by creating a pointer component for each of them.
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The assignement operator =
points to the equal_vec2d
and equal_vec2d_scal
procedures. This operation assigns a value to each component of a vector.
Assignement =
a = b
are twovec2d
objects) assignsb%x
a = r
is avec2d
object andr
is a scalar) assignsr
The +
operator points to the add_vec2d
procedure. This operation adds the components of each vector.
Operation +
c = a + b
(where a
, b
, c
are vec2d
objects) assigns a%x + b%x
to c%x
and a%y + b%y
to c%y
The -
operator points to the sub_vec2d
and sub_vec2d_unary
procedures. This operation substract the components of one vector to another, or substract the components of a vector by a scalar.
Operation -
c = a - b
objects) assignsa%x - b%x
anda%y - b%y
.c = - a
objects) assigns-a%x
The *
operator points to the scalar_vec2d
and vec2d_scalar
procedures. This operation multiply each component of a vector by a scalar.
Operation *
c = r * a
or c = a * r
(where a
and c
are vec2d
objects, and r
a scalar) assign r * a%x
to c%x
and r * a%y
to c%y
The /
operator points to the vec2d_div_scalar
procedure. This operation divides each component by a scalar.
Operation /
c = a / r
(where a
and c
are vec2d
objects and r
a scalar) assigns a%x / r
to c%x
and a%y / r
to c%y
The .norm.
operator points to the norm_vec2d
procedure. This operation computes the euclidean norm of a vector.
Operation .norm.
r = .norm. a
(where a
is a vec2d
object and r
a scalar) assigns sqrt( a%x**2 + a%y**2 )
to r
The .square.
operator points to the square_vec2d
procedure. This operatio computes the square of the euclidean norm of a vector.
Operation .square.
r = .square. a
(where a
is a vec2d
object and r
a scalar) assigns a%x**2 + a%y**2
to r
The .dotprod.
operator points to the dot_product_vec2d
procedure. This operation computes the dot product of two vectors.
Operation .dotprod.
r = a .dotprod. b
(where a
and b
are vec2d
objects and r
a scalar) assigns a%x * b%x + a%y * b%y
to r
The .tensprod.
operator points to the tens_prod2d
procedure. This operation computes the tensor product of two vectors.
Operation .tensprod.
c = a .tensprod. b
(where a
, b
are vec2d
objects and c
a tens2d
object) :
c%xx = a%x * b%x
c%xy = a%x * b%y
c%yx = a%y * b%x
c%yy = a%y * b%y
The .rot.
operator points to the rot_vec2d
procedure. This operation applies a rotation operation on a vector.
Operation .rot.
c = a .rot. b
(where a
, b
, c
are vec2d
objects) :
c%x = b%x * a%x + b%y * a%y
c%y = b%x * a%y - b%y * a%x
The .invrot.
operator points to the invrot_vec2d
procedure. This operation unapplies the previously defined rotation operation.
Operation .invrot.
c = a .invrot. b
(where a
, b
, c
are vec2d
objects) :
c%x = b%x * a%x - b%y * a%y
c%y = b%x * a%y + b%y * a%x
The structure of a 3D vector contains three components x
, y
and z
and several vector procedures. This structure overloads the assignment operator and other operators by creating a pointer component for each of them.
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The assignement operator =
points to the equal_vec3d
and equal_vec3d_scal
The +
operator points to the add_vec3d
The -
operator points to the sub_vec3d
and sub_vec3d_unary
The *
operator points to the scalar_vec3d
and vec3d_scalar
The /
operator points to the vec3d_div_scalar
The .norm.
operator points to the norm_vec3d
The .square.
operator points to the square_vec3d
The .dotprod.
operator points to the dot_product_vec3d
Assignment =
and +
, -
, *
, /
, .norm.
, .square.
, .dotprod.
These operators are similar to the 2D operators, see Vectors - 2D to get the detailed operations and significations.
The .tensprod.
operator points to the tens_prod3d
procedure. This operation computes the tensor product of two vectors.
Operation .tensprod.
The .tensprod.
operator is pretty similar to the 2D operator, still for c = a .tensprod. b
(where a
, b
are vec3d
objects and c
a tens3d
object) :
c%xx = a%x * b%x
c%xy = a%x * b%y
c%xz = a%x * b%z
c%yx = a%y * b%x
c%yy = a%y * b%y
c%yz = a%y * b%z
c%zx = a%z * b%x
c%zy = a%z * b%y
c%zz = a%z * b%z
The .rot.
operator points to the rot_vec3d
procedure. This operation applies a rotation operation on a vector.
Operation .rot.
c = a .rot. b
(where a
, b
, c
are vec3d
objects) :
d = sqrt( b%x**2 + b%y**2 )
if ( d < epsilon(1._rp) ) then
c%x = a%z
c%y = a%y
c%z = - a%x
dinv = - 1._rp / d
c%x = b%x * a%x + b%y * a%y + b%z * a%z
c%y = b%y * dinv * a%x - b%x * dinv * a%y
c%z = b%x * b%z * dinv * a%x + b%y * b%z * dinv * a%y + d * a%z
end if
The .invrot.
operator points to the invrot_vec3d
procedure. This operation unapplies the previously defined rotation operation.
Operation .invrot.
c = a .invrot. b
(where a
, b
, c
are vec3d
objects) :
d = sqrt( b%x**2 + b%y**2 )
if ( d < epsilon(1._rp) ) then
c%x = - a%z
c%y = a%y
c%z = a%x
dinv = - 1._rp / d
c%x = b%x * a%x + b%y * dinv * a%y + b%x * b%z * dinv * a%z
c%y = b%y * a%x - b%x * dinv * a%y + b%y * b%z * dinv * a%z
c%z = b%z * a%x + d * a%z
end if
Two structures for 2D and 3D tensors are implemented. The implementation of various operations is enhanced. One can easily add and substract tensors, multiply a tensor by a scalar or a vector, divide a tensor by a scalar, and transpose a tensor.
The structure of a 2D tensor contains four components xx
, xy
, yx
and yy
and several tensor procedures. This structure overloads the assignment operator and other operators by creating a pointer component for each of them.
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The assignement operator =
points to the equal_tens2d
and equal_tens2d_scal
procedures. This operation assigns a value to each tensor component.
Assignement =
a = b
are twotens2d
objects) assigns all theb
components to the correspondinga
components.a = r
is atens2d
object andr
is a scalar) assignsr
to all thea
The +
operator points to the add_tens2d
procedure. This operation sums the components of each tensor.
Operation +
c = a + b
(where a
, b
, c
are tens2d
objects) :
c%xx = a%xx + b%xx
c%xy = a%xy + b%xy
c%yx = a%yx + b%yx
c%yy = a%yy + b%yy
The -
operator points to the sub_tens2d
procedure. This operation substract each component of one tensor to another.
Operation -
c = a - b
(where a
, b
, c
are tens2d
objects) :
c%xx = a%xx - b%xx
c%xy = a%xy - b%xy
c%yx = a%yx - b%yx
c%yy = a%yy - b%yy
The *
operator points to the scalar_tens2d
, tens2d_scalar
, tens2d_vec2d
procedures. This operation multiplies each tensor's component by a scalar, or multiplies a tensor to a vector.
Operation *
c = r * a
orc = a * r
objects, andr
a scalar) :c%xx = r * a%xx
c%xy = r * a%xy
c%yx = r * a%yx
c%yy = r * a%yy
c = A * b
is atens2d
object andc
objects) :c%x = A%xx * b%x + A%xy * b%y
c%y = A%yx * b%x + A%yy * b%y
The /
operator points to the tens2d_div_scalar
procedure. This operation divides each tensor's component by a scalar.
Operation /
c = a / r
(where a
and c
are tens2d
objects and r
a scalar) :
c%xx = a%xx / r
c%xy = a%xy / r
c%yx = a%yx / r
c%yy = a%yy / r
The .t.
operator points to the transpose_tens2d
procedure. This operation computes the tensor's transposition.
Operation .t.
c = .t. a
(where a
and c
are tens2d
objects) :
c%xx = a%xx
c%xy = a%yx
c%yx = a%xy
c%yy = a%yy
The structure of a 3D tensor contains nine components xx
, xy
, xz
, yx
, yy
, yz
, zx
, zy
and zz
and several tensor procedures. This structure overloads the assignment operator and other operators by creating a pointer component for each of them.
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The assignement operator =
points to the equal_tens3d
and equal_tens3d_scal
The +
operator points to the add_tens3d
The -
operator points to the sub_tens3d
Assignment =
and +
, -
These operators are similar to the 2D operators, see Tensors - 2D to get the detailed operations and significations.
The *
operator points to the scalar_tens3d
, tens3d_scalar
, tens3d_vec3d
procedures. This operation multiplies each tensor's component by a scalar, or multiplies a tensor to a vector.
Operation *
c = r * a
orc = a * r
: If a scalar is involved in the operation, the multiplication is similar to the 2D multiplication (see Tensors - 2D). -
c = A * b
is atens3d
object andc
objects) :c%x = A%xx * b%x + A%xy * b%y + A%xz * b%z
c%y = A%yx * b%x + A%yy * b%y + A%yz * b%z
c%z = A%zx * b%x + A%zy * b%y + A%zz * b%z
The /
operator points to the tens3d_div_scalar
Operation /
This operator is similar to the 2D operator, see Tensors - 2D to get the detailed operation and signification.
The .t.
operator points to the transpose_tens3d
procedure. This operation computes the tensor's transposition.
Operation .t.
c = .t. a
(where a
and c
are tens3d
objects) :
c%xx = a%xx
c%xy = a%yx
c%xz = a%zx
c%yx = a%xy
c%yy = a%yy
c%yz = a%zy
c%zx = a%xz
c%zy = a%yz
c%zz = a%zz