The main part of the computation involves the implementation of the discretized model by using various Tolosa-lib features. At each time step, several operations need to be managed : the time advancement, the actual model computation, the MPI communications and the timers. The time loop should look like :
do while ( .not. end_time_loop )
! Time Advancement
! Computation
! MPI Communications
end do
Time advancement¶
Firstly, one needs to handle the time advancement. The time is defined by several variables :
the time iteration indextc
the current simulation timedt
the time stepts
the total simulation timeend_time_loop
is a boolean describing if the total simulation time is reached or not, therefore if the time loop is over or not
These global variables and other useful tools are defined in the m_common.f90
One has to advance time by adapting the time step if adapt_dt = 1
in the input file, and advance the nt
and tc
variables. A subroutine advancing nt
and tc
already exists in the m_common.f90
For example, one can create a subroutine advance_time
to manage the time advancement :
SUBROUTINE advance_time
integer(ip) :: ic
real(rp) :: mes
! Adaptive Time Step
if ( adapt_dt == 1 ) then
dt = 0._rp
do ic = 1,mesh%nc
mes = 2._rp * mesh%cell( ic )%invsurf * mesh%cell( ic )%peri
dt = max( dt , mes * ( ( .norm. dof%var( ic )%u ) + sqrt( g * dof%var( ic )%h ) ) )
end do
dt = cfl / dt
call mpi_world%min( dt )
end if
! Advance nt and tc
call advance_nt_and_tc( nt , tc , dt )
END SUBROUTINE advance_time
When the time is advanced, one can implement the previously defined Shallow-Water model discretization.
At boundaries¶
Firstly, the computation in the domain's boundaries is handled. One can create a fill_bc
subroutine :
integer(ip) :: ie , iL , iR
type(primvar) :: sL , sR
do ie = 1,mesh%neb
if ( mesh%edgeb( ie )%perio ) cycle
iL = mesh%edgeb( ie )%cell(1)
iR = mesh%edgeb( ie )%cell(2)
sL = dof%var( iL ) .rot. mesh%edgeb( ie )%normal
select case( mesh%edgeb( ie )%typlim )
case default
sR%h = sL%h
sR%u%x = - sL%u%x
sR%u%y = sL%u%y
end select
dof%var( iR ) = sR .invrot. mesh%edgeb( ie )%normal
end do
Help on the boundary definition
See Mesh to get all the variables and parameters concerning the boundary conditions to be able to access them.
In the whole domain¶
When the boundary computation is over, one can implement the Euler temporal scheme to be able to compute the Rusanov flux. See Equations to get the schemes' details.
Here is an example of the implementation of these schemes :
SUBROUTINE euler_step_sw
integer(ip) :: ie , ic , iL , iR
type(primvar) :: lflux , nflux , tflux( mesh%nc+mesh%ncdbp ) , sL , sR
call timer%tic( 'Euler: tflux' )
tflux(:) = 0._rp
call timer%tic( 'Euler: loop edge' )
do ie = 1,mesh%ne
iL = mesh%edge( ie )%cell(1)
iR = mesh%edge( ie )%cell(2)
sL = dof%var( iL ) .rot. mesh%edge( ie )%normal
sR = dof%var( iR ) .rot. mesh%edge( ie )%normal
nflux = Rusanov_Flux( sL , sR )
lflux = ( nflux .invrot. mesh%edge( ie )%normal ) * mesh%edge( ie )%length
tflux( iL ) = tflux( iL ) - lflux
if ( .not. mesh%edge( ie )%perio ) tflux( iR ) = tflux( iR ) + lflux
end do
call timer%tic( 'Euler: loop cell' )
do ic = 1,mesh%nc
dof%var( ic )%u = dof%var( ic )%u * dof%var( ic )%h
dof%var( ic ) = dof%var( ic ) + tflux( ic ) * dt * mesh%cell( ic )%invsurf
dof%var( ic )%u = dof%var( ic )%u / dof%var( ic )%h
end do
END SUBROUTINE euler_step_sw
! Rusanov Flux for the SW system of PDE
ELEMENTAL FUNCTION Rusanov_Flux( sL , sR ) RESULT( flux )
type(primvar), intent(in) :: sL , sR
type(primvar) :: flux , fL , fR
real(rp) :: lambda
lambda = max( abs( sL%u%x ) + sqrt( g * sL%h ) , &
abs( sR%u%x ) + sqrt( g * sR%h ) )
fL%h = sL%h * sL%u%x
fR%h = sR%h * sR%u%x
fL%u%x = fL%h * sL%u%x + 0.5_rp * g * sL%h**2
fL%u%y = fL%h * sL%u%y
fR%u%x = fR%h * sR%u%x + 0.5_rp * g * sR%h**2
fR%u%y = fR%h * sR%u%y
flux%h = 0.5_rp * ( ( fL%h + fR%h ) + lambda * ( sL%h - sR%h ) )
flux%u%x = 0.5_rp * ( ( fL%u%x + fR%u%x ) + lambda * ( sL%h * sL%u%x - sR%h * sR%u%x ) )
flux%u%y = 0.5_rp * ( ( fL%u%y + fR%u%y ) + lambda * ( sL%h * sL%u%y - sR%h * sR%u%y ) )
Some timers have been used in this example, see the Timers subsection to get a general use of them.
MPI communications¶
At the end of the computation, each process has to communicate its primitive variables' values on its subdomain to the other processes to enable them to pursue their computation.
The previously defined unk
structure encapsulating the primitive variables values has a subroutine enabling the communication of these variables to the other processes :
call dof%mpicom( mesh )
One can check the time spent on each operation by triggering a timer. In this example, we will check the time spent on each previously described operation. To avoid the definition and initialization of new timers, one can use the tic-toc methods of the timers feature. An example of timers' implementation is the following one :
! Time advancement operations
call timer%tic( 'Advance Time' )
! Boundary conditions management
call timer%tic( 'Boundary Condition' )
! Euler time step computation
call timer%tic( 'Euler SW' )
! MPI communications
call timer%tic( 'MPI Send/Recv' )
call timer%toc